Thursday, October 21, 2010

October 21 - And Zen What Happened

Edits for page 7 of Psalm 33, and some of The Beatles (a.k.a. The White Album) organized by composer on iTunes (it takes some Wikipedia'ing to sort it all out, including a fascinating account of the 1968 North Indian / Himalayan Foothills sojourn). Quiz 10 for the Theoreticians eventually, with examples drawn from the works of George Gershwin, Kurt Weill, Sergei Prokofiev, and Anton Webern (whoops, forgot to do 12-tone music -- oh well... next week...).

The jump to Marin is under uncertain skies, grading papers at Celia's, doing the requisite errands, and heading north somewhat

circuitously in slightly clearing conditions, to a serendipitous walk from

Petaluma Hill Road

to the

Roberts Road bend

(part of the cross-California endeavor,

now splitting the cismontane remainder to bits north


south of here), then another wander homeward, finishing up videos for

Deploration Passacaglias (Op. 43) as XXIII. Bernstein and beginning those for

History Phases (Op. 153) with I. Turkey - Epitaph of Seikilos.