Saturday, October 30, 2010

October 30 - Let the Suffering Begin Anew!

Finish the print version of the belated September 2010 21st-Century Music, at take to printer -- but before the latter, it's time for the first rehearsal (assisted for the first time by YouTube clips from the previous production) of the Job: A Masque revival (November 13, SF Community Music Center), with

Maria Mikheyenko - Satan / Zophar the Naamathite / Servant IV
Marilyn Pratt - Job
Heather Klein - Elihu / Servant I
Harriet March Page - God / Bildad the Shuhite
Suzanna Mizell - Eliphaz the Temanite / Servant II
Kate Bautch - Job's Wife / Servant III

-- a talented team indeed!

Home with Harriet thereafter in the violent late-afternoon light,

dinner and a movie (Billy Wilder's Witness for the Prosecution, 1957), then late-night shenanigans including work on the November and December issues of 21st-Century Music (embedding a nice Dmitri Shostakovich String Quartet No. 3 excerpt, among other endeavors), catching up with Brian Gibson on Facebook and Howling Chip on YouTube, producing a second edited page of Psalm 36, and the videos du noire as

Embedded Inventions: XV. Hemiola and

Cats, Dogs, and Divas: I. Introduction (Film)