Saturday, June 12, 2010

June 12 - Hot Time

Yet two more pages -- 24 and 25 -- for Vespers: XI. Sancta Maria, Ora Pro Nobis; work on 21st-Century Music; and general clean-up as Harriet heads to rehearsal. I follow semi-suit, in the delightful above-90 weather, thinking of the city, but fate has other notions in store, such that the late afternoon and most of the evening are given over to work at Diablo Valley College, video'ing Ecclesiastes, or The Preacher: I. Vanity (Op. 3, 1975) and

Variations and Theme: X. (Op. 6, 1976) (not necesarilly in that order), and doing new recordings of Two and a Half Pieces (Op. 17, 1979) and Symphony No. 1 ("It wasn't classical..."): IV. Put the Two and a Half audio and pdf's (uploaded to and embedded from Scribd) up at for tubist Jay Rozen, who has expressed an interest in recording same.

Home in the warm evening to edit and post, checking in with Susan Hauslein Ware and Eddie Wright on Facebook. Also Google a lot of images for Harriet re upcoming Fresh Voices X, including...

1950's Travel Trailer / Mobile Home
Gustave Corbet - L'origin du monde
Eduard Manet - Dejuner sur l'herbe
Nude Statues
Pokeno Game
Sutter Creek
Victorian Pornography

...which we go over together.