Wednesday, September 22, 2010

September 22 - Flower Shower

A second page edited for Psalm 28 and J.S. Bach's Passacaglia in C Minor bassline and schematic harmony in Theory, whereupon Monty Bairos appears after class to say, "Can I talk to you? It's good news," the latter, of course always good to hear. Actually less good for him, as, per doctor's orders he must stand down a class, but am delighted to pick up same, which is A History of Rock course. So, at that moment, plans for the day are changed -- lingering in the lab to catch up with SF Composers Chamber Orchestra business, respond to Micrologus's positive comments re the DrMarkAlburger channel, and discover much of the Historical Music of Anthology (HAM) online. After taking a coffee-and-sub run to the bookstore and breaking with Doug, meet with Monty in his impressive, palatial upstairs office to discuss the course transition, then attend class that evening, for a lecture on Country Music. Will begin next week with 50's Rock, etc., but for now, head home for videos of

Twelve Preludes and Fugues: IIa. and

b. Basic Policy on the Triads.