Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28 - Fly Away

Page 7 of Vespers: II. Psalm 109: Dixit Dominus composed before flying away past Long Barn, the Chinese Wall,

Rohan, and

Eden to a pale

Mt. Diablo at its namesake Valley College, bestowing Quiz 1 (Treble Clef, C Major Scale...) upon lucky Music Theoreticians. Two new class members, so still hovering around 30 participants, then south toward the

Acalanes Highlands,





Hills, to




Hall to track down the dance schedule for this coming late April (since certain emails have not been forthcoming), walking

hither and

yon, encountering Marty, and eventually Rebecca and Linda --

finally determining that Friday, April 30 is the best date for the Robert Schumann / Alexander Zemlinsky / San Francisco Symphony performance.

From here, back in the car, over the Coast Ranges through Redwoods Regional Park to

Mills College, with another walkabout (signage leaving something to be desired),

ultimately finding the way to the

Graduate Admissions Office, dropping off Rachel's recommend, and learning that the postmark, rather than the arrival date, is the deadline. Back on the freeway and

frontage road (looking across the Bay to Mt. Tamalpais), north to

CopyWorld to pick up the February 2010 and back issues of 21st-Century Music ( and, with the print copies mailed soon). Place an order for Sex and the Bible business-card-sized promos, then off to Marin to grade the Theory Quiz 1's at Celia's (everyone gets an A), check the post box, and finally return home to prepare-for-publication page 7 of Psalm 4.